As I did my devotion Monday morning I couldn't understand why I was so empty, exhausted and stressed. I mean really...the majority of my weekend was spent serving God. Shouldn't He refill my cup? Somehow I stumbled through the day and made it to church on Monday night. During service God stopped me in my tracks. Our teaching pastor Todd Phillips is doing a series called "No Other Gods" (http://www.frontline.to/media_player.asp?messageID=13542). During the message he discussed we have many things in our lives that are good. However, if we take the good things God has blessed us with and put them on the throne of our life they become idols. Without even realizing it I had taken the very gift of service and turned it into the idol of busyness. Instead of pouring out of the overflow of my whole hearted devotion to God I sought satisfaction in my accomplishments in the name of God.
The second part of my lesson came in the form of a letter from a very wise friend. She and I met up during my whirlwind tour on Sunday. Needless to say my stressful state made its mark. Today I received a card in the mail. The quote from the card that hit home? "So remember, it's not about a busy schedule, it's about the people and purpose of what makes up the schedule." You see, it isn't about me coaching another leader, it is about God taking a willing vessel stepping into leadership and inspiring a small group to grow in their relationship with Him. It isn't about the small group member I have to follow-up with because they missed for the third time in a row, it is about the community exhibiting God's love they need to take them through a difficult time. It isn't about teaching a class on "How to Study the Bible" well, it is about God working in hearts and growing a thirst for His word. As God opens my eyes to these truths I truly am able to see Him in every opportunity. My list grows shorter because when He is on the throne I experience the overflow of His blessing.
"See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse—
the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today;
the curse if you disobey the commands of the Lord your God and turn from the way that I command you today by following other gods, which you have not known." Deut 11:27-28
1 comment:
What an awesome post! Thanks for sharing your heart so openly and honestly.
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